How to Lower RTD Fares
From: Tommy Prozach
Sent: Friday, February 27, 2015
To: Regional Transportation District
Subject: How To Lower RTD Fares
I read that RTD is revising the fares and I want to give you an idea that would boost ridership and thereby lower the fares.
RTD’s economic proposition is that as more people use public transportation, the individual cost for such usage is lowered. This is because the majority of the transportation cost is fixed, not variable. As ridership increases, the fares per individual can be lowered. My idea increases ridership, thereby lowering the per user fare. This is transportation economics 101.
There are many top-tier performers such as Snoop Dogg, Jay Z, and 50 Cent who would make ridership skyrocket by performing concerts on the light rail trains on Friday and Saturday nights (when ridership is low).
Second-tier performers like Neil Diamond, Billy Joel, and Jimmy Buffett could perform on the RTD buses and still boost ridership by a respectable amount.
I am not looking to be paid for this idea. I simply want to make the world a better place.
Best Wishes,
Tommy Prozach
Changing the World One Day at a Time
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Email Address:
From: Tom Tobiassen
Sent: Monday, April 27, 2015
To: Tommy Prozach
Subject: RE: How To Lower RTD Fares
Hi Tommy,
I wanted to thank you for your comments. The Board will be looking at the fare question on Tuesday evening during a study session. This is probably the most challenging issue that has come up during my tenure on the Board. There are many financial issues with a large number competing interests. I am attaching some financial and ridership information that might shed some light on the challenges. Please feel free to call me if you have any questions or would like to discuss this further.
Thank you again for your comments.
Kindest regards,
Tom Tobiassen, CISSP, CISA
RTD Board Member, District F – Aurora
Executive Committee, Treasurer